Top 10k strings from Arcade Machine Test Failure Emulator (1999)(CSSCGC).tzx
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /
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1 yourself lucky. It's 1 time favourite arcade 1 probably the only copy 1 message after a week. 1 has a copy, think 1 games. The only copy I 1 ever played started 1 coming up with that 1 Written for CSSCGC 1999 1 Needless to say, I'd 1 MM is one of my all 1 LOVE to play it again. 1 LATOR Scribbler 15/3/99" 1 If your local arcade 1 If you are die-hard arcade fan like myself, you get attached tocertain games, and you always play them whenever you go in there. However, the day will come when your beloved machine becomes nothing more than an error message. Relive those horrifying moments again in probably the only arcade emulator ever released on the Speccy." 1 ARCADE MACHINE TEST FAILURE EMU-" 1 ARCADE EMU 1 ;"WARMING UP" 1 ;"ROM TEST" 1 ;"RAM TEST" 1 ;"BAD HARDWARE" 1 ;" SELECT GAME " 1 *** SCRAMBLE *** 1 *** Rally X *** 1 *** MR. DO! *** 1 *** MAG MAX *** 1 *** ARKANOID *** 1 "Please wait... initialising... " 1 "NOTE: To restart this emu, pressBreak and then RUN again. Couldn't be bothered to add a restart option." 1 "And the IDSA can 1 " 5. Scramble" 1 " 4. Rally X": 1 " 3. Mag Max" : 1 " 2. Mr. Do!": 1 " 1. Arkanoid": 1 off - thisone doesn't use ROMs." 1 in exsistence. 1 By Scribbler 15/3/99 1 ARCADE MACHINE 1 TEST FAILURE 1 EMULATOR 1 PRESS ANY KEY " 1 "